Selecting An Architectural Style for Your Home
The architectural style of a home is often highlighted in its online description to help buyers understand its features. But if you don’t know your Tudor from your Craftsmen Bung....

Will a Bath Remodel Increase My Home’s Value?
Spring is just around the corner and the lure of a new home has you thinking about putting yours on the market. Your neighbor added a new bathroom last year and you’re wondering ....

Curb Appeal for Condo Sellers
You know that curb appeal is important to buyers of single-family homes, but you are selling a condominium in a large building full of similar units. How do you make yours stand ou....

Pinterest for Home Buyers and Sellers
Pinterest for Home Buyers Some people are great at articulating exactly what they want in their next home. But some of us know what we want yet find it tough to explain that vision....

Selling Your Home Over the Holidays
Keeping your home on the market over the holidays can be a tough call. Many experts think that it is not worth it because sellers will seem desperate. Most offers coming in over th....

Escape From Your Home with a Vacation Property
Feeling the need to get away from your home for a while? Perhaps the winters are too harsh or you have a child in college a few states away. Maybe you just want to get a head start....