Spending More Time Outside Your Home These Days?
Summer weather is heating up, giving even more reasons for you to make the most of the outdoor space surrounding your home! With your backyard furniture and seating getting increas....

Thought About Who Lives Next Door to Your Home Lately?
If you’ve just moved into your home or are considering buying a new home, you may be wondering who lives next door. In this day and age with such busy lifestyles it can take ....

Making Your Home Into the Summer Party Headquarters
If you’ll be celebrating summer with a party in your home this year, here are a few things to keep in mind. Summertime parties are the perfect type to be thrown out of doors.....

Buying Your Home with the Fair Housing Act
“There’s no place like home,” takes on new meaning when you are buying your home for the first time. There is so much to do and sign in preparation for move-in da....

Your Home, Interest Rates and Quantitative Easing
You’ve no doubt noticed the increase in mortgage rates in the last month – maybe that statistic has even caused you to wonder if NOW is the time to sell your home. Happily ....

5 Ways To Help Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation
Summer is definitely here and vacation plans may have you planning on leaving your home in the very near future. Don’t forget to take a few preventative measures to ensure th....